Singapore Filmmakers Ponder Myriad Routes to Short Film Funding in Southeast Asia
Singapore Filmmakers Ponder Myriad Routes to Short Film Funding in Southeast Asia

"Sangchul Lee is the chief operating officer of C47 Investment, a primarily Korean outfit that is now also operating in Southeast Asia, having just launched a short film distribution grant for filmmakers in the region in partnership with Singapore’s Momo Film. C47 also commissions shorts.

When there’s a talented filmmaker that we really want to work with and build a relationship maybe as an investment to that person and that person’s potential future project, we can commission a short film with them,” said Lee."

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Singapore-based film agency Momo Film Co is launching the Momo Distribution Grant in partnership with C47 Investment
Singapore-based film agency Momo Film Co is launching the Momo Distribution Grant in partnership with C47 Investment

"Singapore-based film agency Momo Film Co is launching the Momo Distribution Grant in partnership with C47 Investment. The grant aims to meet the gap filmmakers often face in distributing their short films and help emerging Southeast Asian filmmakers gain deserved attention worldwide. The grant will support up to five short films each year with a cash amount of S$800 ($600) each.

Applications for the grant will start from Jan. 1, 2021 through Feb. 28. It is open to filmmakers of Southeast Asian nationality, who have made at least one short film that has screened at international festivals or programs, but not made a feature length film before, and who are not full-time students."

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'1917' 상영 첫 주말 외화 박스오피스 1위..입소문 열풍
'1917' 상영 첫 주말 외화 박스오피스 1위..입소문 열풍
"'1917'(수입 CJ엔터테인먼트, 배급 스마일이엔티, 제공 C47인베스트먼트)은 독일군의 함정에 빠진 아군을 구하기 위해 적진을 뚫고 전쟁터 한복판을 달려가는 두 영국 병사가 하루 동안 겪는 사투를 그린다. '1917'이 개봉 첫 주 주말에도 외화 박스오피스 1위의 자리를 굳건히 지켰다."

기사 링크

"작품상+감독상"..'1917', 해외 호평으로 국내 개봉 전부터 기대감↑
"작품상+감독상"..'1917', 해외 호평으로 국내 개봉 전부터 기대감↑

"영미권 주요 영화제에 노미네이트되며 전 세계의 주목을 받고 있는 ‘1917’(감독 샘 멘데스, 수입 CJ엔터테인먼트, 배급 스마일이엔티, 공동제공 C47인베스트먼트)이 폭발적인 해외평과 국내 기대평으로 화제다. ‘1917’은 독일군의 함정에 빠진 아군을 구하기 위해 적진을 뚫고 전쟁터 한복판을 달려가는 두 영국 병사가 하루 동안 겪는 사투를 그린 영화."

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